Are Printed Wedding Invitations Important

Of course a wedding invitation is necessary so that you can keep track of numbers for your big day. Couples usually do 3 lists. An “A List” of people who must be there. A “B List” for those you would also like to have there and a “C List” for those who you feel would like to be there, but you're not sure.

They get the “A List” invites out first and wait for rsvp's, followed by the “B List” and then the “C List”. However, it’s important to get the “A List” out early so that by the time you get to the “C List”, the recipients don’t feel like they were on the “C List”.

There is some absolutely gorgeous wedding stationary out there these days too. You can even get gold or silver foil if you's just a matter of how much you want to spend on invitations...and let's face it, they all end up in the bin, apart from the 2 that you keep as keepsake after the wedding (oh and the one you send to your mum).


If you're trying to cut back on your wedding budget, consider not having hard copy invitations and instead, doing it via a website, which can also look amazing. Here’s some examples of how it can look that I found on, which tells me that you can build a “free” wedding invitation website.

Wedding invites alone will cost you upwards of $600 for about 60 invites (roughly 100 guests), but then there’s the rsvp cards & envelopes and gift registry cards that have to go out with the invitation. Then later you need to consider whether you’l need, a welcome sign for the wedding, any other directional signage on the day for parking or toilets etc., card box graphics, table names, individual names for placements. It’s a $1,000 exercise minimum if you need it all.

You can even have mix of both. We only needed invitations for our wedding as it was cocktail style, so we created a website for collection of rsvp’s, favourite dance floor songs and dietary needs. Plus we were able to provide them more detail on the website for parking, staying overnight, gift advice etc. So, whether you decide to go for it all, or just the invitations as we did, I can highly recommend Starfish Lane if you live in Perth. They created our invitations and we loved them so much that even though our wedding was postponed due to Covid the first time, we used the original invites to send out a year later with a note letting everyone know the change in date as all the other details remained the same.

Click on the website image above to go to Starfish Lane website

Click on the website image above to go to Starfish Lane website

Steve Mummery is a celebrant based in Perth

You can find him online at or facebook at smcelebrant, Instagram @smcelebrant or you can find lots of wedding inspiration on his Pinterest page @smcelebrant including wedding & engagement rings, dresses, shoes, groom's attire, flowers, arbours, the lot.

Call Steve to chat about your wedding ceremony today on 0418 897 215 or email


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