7 Commandments Of Proposing

Yes that's right. There are rules or commandments when it comes to proposing. You've spent time (sometimes too much time) considering whether this is the person for you, so take some time to consider how you are going to propose. There are also some "Do's" & "Don'ts" when it comes to engagement ring shopping, but more about that later in the article. Let's get back to getting the job done in the first place.

This is a moment they will remember for the rest of their lives and they will talk about it over and over again if you do it right...and you'll be the hero of the moment. So do it right and well thought out. And get down on one knee. It adds 100% to the moment. These are the commandments that howtheyasked.com came up with.

7 commandments of proposing

A truly great marriage proposal can be very hard to think of. You want to be original, but you don’t want to overdo it. You want your partner to say yes (and cry a lot).

You also want to make sure your proposal is very unique to your relationship. All that being said, we put together a lengthy list of best marriage proposal ideas that are actually unique, from artsy to outdoorsy ideas, and elaborate to simple ones too.

Keep in mind: Every proposal will be unique if you put all the unique details of your relationship into it. These next few marriage proposal ideas can get be perfect for couples with a ton of history, great stories and lots of memories.

Scavenger Hunt Marriage Proposals

Think of a few places that are meaningful to your relationship and send your partner (and two to three friends or family members) to visit these places. Throw in a salon appointment (hair and nails), and perhaps even a stop at a boutique to pick out a new outfit. Along the way, have notes or cards (or even a voice recording of yourself) describing what each place or stop signifies. At the end of the scavenger hunt, propose with a romantic view in the background and have all the friends and family members involved in planning the day there to celebrate after (and to take photos of the proposal in the bushes).

Outdoor Marriage Proposal Ideas

We’re huge fans of outdoor proposal ideas. After all, relationships are about experiences, the journey and adventure. If you and your partner enjoy a good hike, outdoor picnic, or extreme adventure, here are a few unique marriage proposal ideas to learn from.

Photoshoot Marriage Proposals

When you spend a lot of time planning a proposal, you want to make sure to remember every detail of the big day. Sure, you could set up a tripod and hope the self-timer on your phone catches the moment, but if you want the best pictures possible, a surprise photoshoot proposal is the way to go — like Javier and Michael’s proposal.

Proposing On A Hike

What better place to propose than at the end of a hiking trail? It’s symbolic of your journey, and chances are, the view at the top will be breathtaking.

Proposing At The Beach

Very Perth. If you’re a big fan of the ocean, the beach could be the perfect place to propose. Take your partner down to the beach for breakfast or Bruch and have a light plane fly over with the message tailing out the back “WILL YOU MARRY ME”. Make sure the pilot does several flyovers in case you miss the first one. Have all of you and your partner’s family come down to celebrate over brunch.

Create A Milestone Movie

With video creation being easier than ever (you can even use your smartphone to shoot it!), we’ve seen some really cute videos being compiled and shown right before the proposal. There are movie trailer proposalsDisney montages and tons of others. One of our favourite marriage proposal ideas is recording a video of you at all the places that are meaningful to your relationship. Record yourself at the park you laid in for five hours on a Tuesday evening, the restaurant you went to with her parents for the first time, the pet store you got your bulldog from — tell her why these moments were so special to you and your relationship.

You can show this movie at home (before the TV show you’re both hooked on), in front of friends and family members at a surprise dinner or event, or see if you can show the video at your local movie theatre. This unique marriage proposal ensures you have the memory for years and years to come.

Ask Their Favorite Author To Help With The Marriage Proposal

If you’ve got a book lover on your hands, ask the author of their favorite book to sign “Will You Marry, ____ (your name)” on the inside. Take your partner to dinner or a picnic and give the book as a gift. You can even carve out the book and put the ring in the middle. Not only is this a creative way to propose, but it’s extra special because you’ll have the signed book as a physical memory of the proposal forever.

Make A Book Or Photo Album To Propose To With

Take photos and keepsakes from your relationship and make a photo album or story book out of it. Make sure to include feelings you had with each memory and a note on the last page that says, “Will you marry me?” A bonus idea would be to add an additional page to the story book with photos and emotions from the marriage proposal (after they say yes, of course!).

Marriage Proposal Ideas With Friends And Family

If your partner is close to their family, they very well might want them to be involved. You won’t have to twist anyone’s arm to help with the proposal, but be sure you only enlist the help of tight-lipped friends and family members. Whether they’re there before or after, it’s often important to share the moment with your loved ones as well. Here’s a proposal that had friends and family holding signs and messages in front of the bride-to-be as she journeyed into the backyard, where her boyfriend was standing waiting to propose. Here’s another where friends and family held a sign that said “Dance Forever?”

Marriage Proposal While Playing A Trivia Game

Plan a game night alone or with friends. When it’s your partner’s turn to answer a question, head over to where they’re sitting and say “Your question is: Will you marry me?” Definitely make an actual trivia card so that you have the proposal memory to hold onto.

Once you've proposed and received the correct answer, then it's time to announce it to the world. Take a look at this article on a whole bunch of ideas as to how to announce your engagement to the world via social media.

And when it comes to shopping for an engagement ring there are a set of "Do's" and "Don'ts", so take a moment to familiarise yourself with these.


Steve Mummery is a celebrant based in Perth

You can find him online at smcelebrant.com.au or facebook at smcelebrant, Instagram @smcelebrant or you can find lots of wedding inspiration on his Pinterest page @smcelebrant including wedding & engagement rings, dresses, shoes, groom's attire, flowers, arbours, the lot.

Call Steve to chat about your wedding ceremony today on 0418 897 215 or email steve@smcelebrant.com.au


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