Wedding Traditions Explained

We all know there are plenty of traditions centred around the wedding day, but what do they all mean and how did they actually come about. I found this enlightening article on that helped me understand them a bit more.

Your Wedding Veil is actually to ward off evil spirits.

Ancient Greek and Roman tradition states that wearing a wedding veil helps to ward off evil spirits intent on cursing the bride... 

The veil was supposed to hide the bride's face from demons and witches— with a veil over her head they couldn't see her, and so  couldn't curse her.  Gives a whole other meaning to wearing a veil... We still think they are simply beautiful.

Is your wedding gift list cursed?

Knives have long been known to signify a broken relationship, and are notoriously bad luck to give as a wedding present. But don’t panic if knives are on your gift list, just be sure to give the gift giver a penny. That way it's considered a purchase. Phew!! 

Put a Spider in Your dress.

Yep, this is actually good luck! We know that finding an eight legged friend inside your dress may not be top of your priority list during your bridal prep, (and would horrify many) but a spider found inside your dress is actually considered a “best of luck” omen...

Black Wedding Dress by Seth Bates

Black Wedding Dress by Seth Bates

Wedding dress colour superstitions

The majority of brides still choose to wear white on their wedding day, a colour chosen to signify purity; but with so many colour options out there now we thought we better fill you in on an age old poem about the colour of your wedding dress... Whether you choose to believe it is up to you. We think you all look great in any colour! 


Married in white, you will have chosen all right. 
Married in grey, you will go far away. 
Married in black, you will wish yourself back. 
Married in red, you’ll wish yourself dead. 
Married in blue, you will always be true. 
Married in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl. 
Married in green, ashamed to be seen. 
Married in yellow, ashamed of the fellow. 
Married in brown, you’ll live out of town. 
Married in pink, your spirits will sink.

Carried over the threshold

In ancient cultures, the threshold of the home was considered to be a hotbed of lurking, unattached evil spirits, and since a new bride was particularly vulnerable to spirit intrusion, (especially through the soles of her feet!!) The groom would traditionally carry the bride over the threshold to make sure his wife didn't bring any bad spirits into the house...

The day that you choose to marry...

Yes, even the day you marry is full of secret meaning. According to English Folklore Wednesday was considered the "best day" to marry, although Monday is for wealth and Tuesday is for health. They say Saturday is the unluckiest day of the week to marry, but it's actually the most popular these days. No wonder the divorce rate is so high!

Henna for protection

Middle eastern couple's adorn themselves with beautiful Henna patterns on their hands and feet to protect themselves from the “evil eye”. 

Wedding Bells

Ringing the Church bells for a wedding is a long-standing tradition to signify a marriage is taking place, and again after the ceremony to announce to the local population that the couple is now one. Medieval myth also suggests bells were sounded to scare away any evil forces lurking close by...

Don’t look in the mirror just before you marry...

It is said that a bride who looks in the mirror wearing her complete wedding outfit would leave part of herself in the reflection and so would not be capable of giving all of herself to her new husband...
If you're worried about getting stuck in the mirror for all eternity, there’s a pretty simple solution to work around this superstition, just take off an earring or bracelet before you have a last glance. Bingo!

Steve Mummery is a celebrant based in Perth

You can find him online at or facebook at smcelebrant, Instagram @smcelebrant or you can find lots of wedding inspiration on his Pinterest page @smcelebrant including wedding & engagement rings, dresses, shoes, groom's attire, flowers, arbours, the lot.

Call Steve to chat about your wedding ceremony today on 0418 897 215 or email


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